Terra Drone Signs MOU with Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich for Joint Drone R&D, First for a Non-Swiss Drone Company

July 23, 2024

Tokyo, July 23, 2024 – Terra Drone Corporation (“Terra Drone”), a leading drone and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) technology company headquartered in Japan, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich (”Innovation Park Zurich”), a leading research and development (R&D) hub for academia and industry collaboration in Switzerland. This marks the first MOU signed by a drone-related company outside of Switzerland. This agreement will enable Terra Drone to collaborate with universities and startups within the Innovation Park Zurich’s extensive network, fostering the development of cutting-edge drone technologies.

Image by Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich

Switzerland is a global leader in innovation, ranking first in the Global Innovation Index for 13 consecutive years (*1). Many cutting-edge startups have emerged from ETH Zurich and EPFL Lausanne, and the area between these two universities, known as “Drone Valley,” is home to approximately 80 drone-related startups.

Innovation Park Zurich provides state-of-the-art research facilities, offices, and co-working spaces. It supports collaboration between private companies and research institutions to develop innovative technologies and products. It also facilitates partnerships between academia, industry, and government, encouraging joint projects and supporting spin-off companies, particularly in fields like robotics and mobility.

Terra Drone, as part of its business strategy, partners with universities and other startups in its business domains to swiftly conduct research, development, industrialization, and global expansion on a small scale. Leveraging its global operations, Terra Drone has built an ecosystem that accelerates technology cooperation within the group and regional expansion through synergistic effects.

For Innovation Park Zurich, this marks the first MOU signed by a drone-related company outside of Switzerland. By signing this MOU with a leading R&D hub in Switzerland, Terra Drone aims to swiftly collaborate with universities and startups at the forefront of drone technology R&D, potentially leading to the creation of new industries.

Furthermore, Terra Drone is considering establishing a development base in Switzerland in the future, further contributing to the global advancement of the drone industry through these activities.

Notes to Editor

1: WIPO, “Global Innovation Index 2023,” Global Innovation Index 2023, https://www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/en/2023/

About Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich

Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich is facilitating collaborations for companies, startups, and universities to find solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Together with its partners, Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich forms an ecosystem accelerating the transformation of research results into marketable products and services.
For more information, please visit: www.innovationparkzurich.com/en

About Terra Drone Corporation

Terra Drone is a pioneering drone and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) technology company headquartered in Japan, with the mission to [Unlock “X” Dimensions], creating a prosperous future by “crossing” bridges by integrating diverse fields to foster innovation and find solutions. Its proprietary, patented technologies in drones, sensors, software are the foundation of the specialized solutions—ranging from surveying and inspections to pesticide spraying—which are revolutionizing key industries including oil and gas, construction and engineering, chemicals, electricity, and agriculture on a global scale.
In July 2023, Terra Drone acquired a majority stake in Unifly, a world leading provider of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM) systems, having a proven track record of implementing its system on a national level in over eight countries. Terra Drone’s ambition is to develop comprehensive solutions for drones and UAM, with the overarching aim of establishing a digital infrastructure in the skies to maximize the potential of air mobility.
For more information, please visit our website: http://www.terra-drone.net

Media Contact

PR Team, Terra Drone Corporation
Tel: +81-3-6419-7193
Email: pr@terra-drone.co.jp